Flutter and Android's Navigation Bar

·3 mins
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If you’ve been working with Flutter, you might have noticed a small but annoying problem when developing apps for recent versions of Android. By default, Android adds a Navigation Bar at the bottom of the screen, which allows users to navigate between apps and switch tasks. However, this Navigation Bar often appears in a different color than the rest of your app, which can be jarring and ruin the user experience.

App with problematic black bar Where does that black bar at the bottom come from?

Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem. In this post, I’ll show you how to customize the color of the Navigation Bar in Flutter and make it match the design of your app. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out with Flutter, this simple trick will help you create more cohesive and visually appealing apps for Android. So let’s dive in and see how it’s done!

Static colors>

Static colors

Basically, Flutter’s canvas does not extend right to the bottom, which is why we get a little colored bar instead. This color can be statically changed in the styles.xml / styles-nightly.xml files under the android directory:

<item name="android:navigationBarColor">#{YOUR_HEX_COLOR}</item>

The problem with this approach is that these styles are static for each startup of the app. If the user changed from light- to dark mode, the wrongly colored bar would appear once more.

Set colors from Flutter>

Set colors from Flutter

Luckily, there is a way to set this color directly from one’s Flutter code using the AnnotatedRegion widget:

  value: SystemUiOverlayStyle(
    systemNavigationBarColor: YOUR_COLOR_HERE,
    systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: BRIGHTNESS_OF_ICONS,
  child: yourWidgetTree,
Use Theme to set colors dynamically>

Use Theme to set colors dynamically

To now also support theme mode changes, we can dynamically use a color from our theme:

final theme = Theme.of(context);
// Light -> Dark, Dark -> Light
final iconBrightness = Brightness.values[(theme.brightness.index + 1) % 2]

return AnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>(
  value: SystemUiOverlayStyle(
    systemNavigationBarColor: theme.bottomAppBarTheme.color,
    systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: iconBrightness,
  child: child,

This yields the following result if the Theme is configured correctly:

App without black bar Hooray, the ugly black bar is gone!

Control the whole screen>

Control the whole screen

If you now also want dynamic control over the app bar at the top, you can easily extend the example:

final theme = Theme.of(context);
// Light -> Dark, Dark -> Light
final iconBrightness = Brightness.values[(theme.brightness.index + 1) % 2]

return AnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>(
  value: SystemUiOverlayStyle(
    systemNavigationBarColor: theme.bottomAppBarTheme.color,
    systemNavigationBarIconBrightness: iconBrightness,
    statusBarColor: Colors.transparent,
    statusBarIconBrightness: iconBrightness,
  child: child,

Fullscreen App without black bar or status bar Now this looks marvelous

Programmatically set styles>

Programmatically set styles

Just as a little side note: You can also change these settings from your business logic:

  // ...

Rubin Raithel
Rubin Raithel
Kia ora, I’m Rubin! I am currently pursuing my computer science studies at the Technical University of Munich. With a solid finance background and a deep passion for technology, I thrive at their intersection. I’m determined to drive innovation and create meaningful solutions in finance and beyond.